Has Kavanaugh already lied on camera?

By M Roscoe Edwards

When Kavanaugh talked about the conspiracy against him and the millions of dollars spent against him. What was his honest source? Where is the proof? What documents show the conspiracy and the millions of dollars spent against him? 

Or was Kavanaugh lying when he said those things on camera.  In my opinion, it appears Kavanaugh might have lied under oath. Kavanaugh is motivated to continue lying to get the best job he will ever have. He can not come clean or his career is over. If the FBI uncovers evidence of a cover up, what will happen? 

The republicans will still vote Kavanaugh on to the Supreme Court. They will vote him in even at the cost of their jobs. Because they are not afraid of Trump. They are afraid of Trump's financial "Big Brother," the National Rifle Association. 

The NRA, not Trump, has the money to dump into who so ever they wish to get reelected or elected. That is the real power over the House and senate. Who finances the NRA?

The NRA needs to open it's books to show America it is not taking money from Russian oligarchs and or Asian special interests. Are the drug cartels sending money to the NRA?

Who's pocket is the NRA in? Trump is in the NRA's pocket, Kavanaugh is in Trump's pocket. Can America be safe with a Supreme Court judge that even appears to be associated with foreign control over the USA?

The Judiciary is sacrosanct. If a tainted judge is appointed, the Judiciary cannot maintain even the appearance of objectivity. The Judiciary must promote unconditional support of the Constitution of the United States.  If a tainted judge is confirmed, it will undermine trust in the rule of law. 

The republicans are about to prove if they are loyal to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all threats domestic and foreign. Or is their loyalty to Trump instead of the Constitution.



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