
Showing posts from May, 2019

From the mouth of the king of drag taxes. Monkey Donald, the Trumpy Monkey. More taxes in Drag.

By Rob Rancor  Not to disparage the Drag community or any one being themselves. A wise person once said there are no ugly people, there are only ugly minds.  Here we go again. To paraphrase; "A tax by any other name stinks  just as awful." Tariffs are taxes. Taxes in drag. When you lift up the skirt on a tariff you see a nasty looking tax. When Monkey Trump imposes a tariff. Americans pay through the nose. He is saying to Mexico ( and or the scape goat de jure); "stop doing that or I will shoot myself in the foot." How stupid are Trump's disciples? There is not a superlative to express the cosmos of Trumpian-stupidity. But the rest of us, we need to pay more attention.  


By Constance Dogood and Richard Poor We must never forget the sacrifice of those who faced the horrors of war so we didn't have to fight. They faced the sword, mini ball, shrapnel, gas, bombs, and napalm. We have never faced the bestiality of hand to hand combat. We have never smelled burning flesh. We remember their bravery, their sacrifice.  The bravery of the common folk. The teacher, farmer, cop, firefighter, mechanic, electrician, janitor, baker, and countless others. Those who left their world of life to fight in the arena of death. The men, the women. They are the arsenal of democracy.  Fanfare For The Common Man  should be their theme.  As we honor those who gave more than we can imagine. We must choose our leaders carefully. The children of the privileged make poor leaders. They have never known the horror of war. They have never known the honor of honest work. Cowards start wars good brave people have to fight. PEACE

And now another CRAP-O-GRAM from Americas own hitler, Donald "El Douchebag" Trumpsky

Here is the first butt hole's speech. Allegedly from the commencement ceremony at The Hitler Memorial White Supremist Ku Klux Kollege    Trumpsky addressing the latest class of Nazis .        El Doushebag's speech HEIL MYSELF! Today. Yous guys step forward to continue oppression, exploitation, and bigotry. You are the Adolph Eichmanns of the future. It is your job to promote HATE, DISPARE, HOPELESSNESS, and HATE. I really like hate. You will love the taste of baby's tears. You don't have to work hard or eve work well you are the rich. Some day the greediest, most petty, most pandering thugs among you, will work for me. To help make the world safe from democracy. Unlike that retched philanthropist Robert F Smith who has pledged to pay off the student debt of this year's graduating class at Morehouse college. (That smoldering hotbed of humanity, enlightenment, and democracy.) People like Robert F. Smith and universities like Morehouse College a



The Trump regime is like a really bad horror movie. Here's another CRAP-O-GRAM.

In defense of our Glorious Dear Leader By Joseph (Tail gunner Joe) Muckworthy      You pinko liberal freaks. How dare you insult the greatest leader in the history of everything. The only way to make the world safe from democracy is the elimination of all things liberal. Donny John Trump is more famous than Jesus, Mohamed, Buda, and Joseph Smith combined. His wisdom is greater than Confucius. Its HUGE! You first amendment elitist liberals keep attacking Fearless Leader's staff. Their loyalty to the perfect leader is GREAT. You could learn a few lessons from Sara Riefenstahl and Rudy Goebbels. They have done the greatest public relations job since Nuremberg. Disloyalty is everywhere. I whole heartedly condemn anyone's craven allegiance the Constitution of the United States over that of our GLOEIOUS BELOVED FEARLESS LEADER. We don't want patriots like John McCain. We want unquestioning party eunuch's Mitch McConnell. Who gladly support one branch of gov

More of Evil Plansky. 3.0

By Vlad Dracul Allo Nogoodniks! Vlad with the latest addition of EVIL PLANSKY 3.0. When finished Donald Trumpsky will have made (with a little help from independent Northern European Entrepreneurs) the world safe from the dangerous threat of democracy.  The oligarchy cannot survive if the people have rights.  My boy Donald Trumpsky, is dedicated to that proposition. So get ready for Amerikan revolution. Trumpsky defeats the USA! Evil Plansky 3.0. 1. Create war threat from IRAN, VENEZUELA, SYRIA , isis, alcaide, GREEN PEACE, DEMOCRATS, the FBI. Take your pick.  2.  Stage False flag incident (remember Gulf of Tonkin incident?) A gulf is a gulf.  3. War with enemy Du Jure.  HINT.  Rhymes with whyran. 4. Domestic incident, maybe burn down Reichstag. Worked before. 5. Declare martial law. Republican bitches, subservient Supreme Court, Enfragard, Nazis, KKK, ten percent of Police and Military will support armed insurrection against USA.  Is not treason when they win. A. Create

We got hacked again. Sorry for the irregular text size. This one is worth repeating.

     Oh, how I miss the restrained behavior of Sam Kinison.                        By Tom s. Hunter L ooks like that slobbering baboon desecrating the White House is getting bored. You'd think carving his name on the top of the oval office desk would occupy him for his only term ( if we are lucky.) He must have found someone who can read and write. Some kind of  Arian looking Nazi-cow. I know she is good with a shiv. But that is another story.  When not having White House antiques defaced. The pervert-in-chief loves pissing all throughout the building. The White House staff has laid in a large supply of pet carpet cleaning and deodorizing solutions. Cleaning urine off of  the bases of the banisters and fireplaces has become a nightly ritual. Staff members have put scotch tape on the lower right hand corner of the backs of all the White House paintings. So when the prezz puts his initials on the back of a painting with an indelible pen, the initials can be quickly removed

Electromagnetic Metaphor

BY  DR. Zrell Gorkblip                 Citizen of the Milky Way. I am writing this in Humanese. It helps preserve the cultural flavor of Earth's high primates. They have been studied for a long time. For the last two hundred years, I have been assigned to the  quarantined wild life preserve known as Earth. It is protected by  Scientists Without Planets. We the members of S.W.P. have no agenda for planetary conquest. Our allegiance is to life. We observe and record the pageant of life. As for me. I am a primatologist and anthroneurologist. The debate as to whether or not the Humans are sentient beings (with souls) is still undecided. I tend to believe humans are sentient with electromagnetic cloud consciousness, the immortal soul. Much of the scientific community believe beings are not sentient until they develop mental telepathy. Some humans demonstrate a proto mental telepathy. As yet there is not enough evidence to conclusively prove human sentience. Humans act more li

More Trump jokes.

Yacco comedy services  1. When he picks his nose. Why does Trump eat his boogers?          He is too cheap to give anything away. 2. From an interview from an undisclosed location.      A free-range ethicist. " Mr. Trump after all the wreck and ruination you have vomited on the                    free world. Aren't you worried about bad karma?"      Trump; "No. I think it's great. I use it all the time on the open sores on my face."      Free-range ethicist; "Don't you mean Carmex?"      Trump; "Why would I buy a used car?"      Free-range ethicist; "Who is on first?"       A fter much thinking, Trump speaks; "I'm a solo act. I don't follow nobody." 3. Why have all the mirrors been removed from the White House?            So Trump doesn't argue with himself for hours and hours.             He isn't smart enough to know it is his own reflection. 4. Trump still thinks a laptop is what c

Smart Phone Addiction

By Rose Addiction to smart phones is turning people into a herd of isolated, low self esteem, externally validated victims. External validation is the opiate of S.P.A. (smart phone addiction.) When the impressionable person is not LIKED. Depression can begin to take over.  "I'm so alone."  "I'm not good enough just being me."  "I can't like me, if you don't like me" "I have to have others give me self worth." Mass media is killing the individual. The old public stoning has been replaced with cyber bullying. A violent group mental assault on a vulnerable person. The results are devastating and can be fatal.  "You aren't one of us, go away." "Everyone hates you."   "Why don't you kill yourself."  The smart phone has become a person's liaison between them and the living real world. Life seen through S.P.A. is becoming more influential than life actually experienced in

The Literate Pornographer.

By Joe Horney, Professional Pornographer As a professional pornographer, when it comes to adults twenty one years old and older. There is a minimum standard for informed consent. Erotic film stars, magazine models, writers, and their agents are aware of the legal protections. For the legitimate erotic industry, we acknowledge sex trafficking is going to far. It clearly violates the civil rights of its victims. Sex trafficking is always wrong. It isn't sexy. It isn't even sex. It is inexcusable horrible slavery. As for the supporters of the illegitimate sex traffickers. They should be exposed for their perversions. People like Robert Kraft should be publicly condemned. The full force of the law should be used to punish the supporters of sex trafficking. Robert Kraft's lawyers want the sex-horror tapes of Robert Kraft suppressed. I agree. Robert Kraft makes Java the Hut look like Cary Grant. If I saw Robert Kraft naked . I would gouge my eyes out before putting a bullet

We took an electron microscope to look into the tiny mind of trump. Here is a typical day dream.

From the orifice of the PREZZ. (No matter what orifice it is, it's bad news.) Heil Myself ! OK. Losers and fake news, listen up. I am the PREZZ. I can do anything I want. Who's going to stop me? Not my bitch republicans. And certainly not you. Your elitist reign of democracy is over. The people don't want freedom and liberty. They want me as their Purminent rulor.  As long as the elitist Bill of Rights exist. There will be liberal things, like social security. Very, very liberal. Very bad. So, give back your social security. You're going to die anyway. Do you want to be known as a dirty elitist liberal?  No!  You want me watching you in your bedrooms to make sure you do nothing liberal. You want me listening in on your phone conversations. So you do not conspire to burn bibles, give abortions while teaching sex education to 5 year olds, and  letting the liberals  take away your guns!!!  If I say anybody is not a citizen. Then he is not a citizen

From the Bitch-republican party. Another Crap-O-Gram.

By Senator I.M. Suckingup (R) Why is everyone (not us) complaining about the Bar redacted report. I can prove thirty percent of the Mueller report is completely unedited and absolutely accurate. Proving our god-King,     " KING DONALD JOHN TRUMP the FIRST."  "Permanent Ruler of the Realm." "King of the Americas." "Keeper of the Alternative Truth," is completely innocent.  You complain about Bar's report being only four pages. We had to keep it simple for the little women. They need our leadership and guidance. Just like we need and humbly beseech our god-King Trump to be over us like we are over the little women.  All of King Donald's golden-thought-stream trickles down on us. We love it. Just like the little women love their special place under our patriarchy. Don't worry your pretty little heads. Don't think, obey! We will tell you the alternative truth. We know you want the respect given you just li

Slavery is slavery

By M. Roscoe Edwards When a resort-country club extorts free labor out of it's employees that is slavery. It is alleged at least two resort-country clubs associated with a sociopathic thug. Might have threatened to turn in their (illegally employed false documented foreign) workers. If they did not work off the clock.  "We know we hired you knowing your documents were fake.  So if you don't work for free. We will turn you in to the I.N.S." One of the resorts name rhymes with Tara Fargo. The sociopathic thug. Well, he's huuuge! Don't want to drop any names.  Don't believe me. I could be some conspiracy nut. Read newspapers, magazines, go to the internet. Look up articles at ABC, CBS, NBC, the BBC. View foreign news sights. NEVER TRUST ONLY ONE SOURCE OR ONE KIND OF SOURCE FOR INFORMATION.  READ OPPOSING POINTS OF VIEW.  BECOME INFORMED,  NOT PROGRAMMED 

Worth repeating.

                                                        By Richard Poor      A horrible private industry has been created. The "FOR PROFIT PRIVATE"   detention center industry. Who pays for it? You and me. The detention of undocumented foreign nationals is more expensive because of lack of transparency. The costs are not a national security issue so should be totally open to public inspection.       Money that should go to SSI, Medicare, and Medicaid is being diverted to pay private companies to detain undocumented people. The per person cost of the private prison system is around. $160.00  a day. The cost to the government per person should be in the public domain.       As of this post I am unable to find  the official (per person) daily cost to our government. From the internet I have found  that cost could run from $160.00 to $750.00. Daily! Every new action costs more money. Taking money away from our national budget. How about a little common sense.

From the Imperial Palace, another Crap-O-Gram

From your King,    Donald J. Trump the First,         Permanent ruler of the realm,     King of the Americas,         god-King of the republican party. Heil Myself Aren't I the greatest leader, ever I'm huge! Where would yous loosers be without me? I have done so much to all of yous guys, and yous chicks to. I'm all about health. Not only am I the helthiest leader in history, the best looking, and smartist.  I keep my staph healthy. Take my personal atourney  and panderer, Rudy Goebbels. I sued to have him chase ambulences for his cardio. But that was to dengerouse, so I have him chase the padded presidential limmo. Sometimes I even let him catch it. As for my Bitch-republicans. I make them walk on their knees from the congressional building to the basement in the White House for daily devotionals to me at the Hitler memorial in the White House basement.  My most devoted deciples get to go up to the White house attic and watch me play with my H O s