Look out here comes GAIA

                                                 By Spats Mostel Terkel 

   President Obama is correct when he says the current president is not the disease, it is a symptom. Using a Humanist interpretation of the GAIA THEORY, one could consider the earth as a living whole. A conscious whole being. What if the current president is an antibody sent by Gaia to kill the virus, man. Not to disparage believers in a supreme being.  Paraphrasing Augustine of Christianity, 

             " Even if there is no GOD. What's wrong with doing the good thing?" 
 Life is the good thing. A healthy life is the good thing. Protecting life is the good thing.
      Could it be theorized? Gaia the living earth, has determined man is a toxic virus? Is the current president Gaia's vaccine? Is the current president destined to cause the extinction of mankind? All life is good. Only man creates bad. Everything supporting the biosphere Earth is good, naturally.
      Has mankind forfeited stewardship of the earth? To quote from the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still. Spoken by Klaatu.           " If the Earth dies? Man dies.  If Man dies? The Earth lives." 
I would be pleased as punch, if I absolutely knew I was wrong. The raging insanity of the current president unequivocally supported by the republican party leans toward the extinction of mankind.
     One's beliefs are between one and the ultimate truth. No matter what or who is the ultimate truth. 
I have seen crazy and I have seen evil. The current president appears to be 30 % crazy and 65% evil.
The remaining 5% not being crazy and evil. is that the current president is not immortal.
     How sad is life if it is solely based on avarice and revenge. To have lived a life of absolutely no personal responsibility. To have lived with decadent privilege, is the worst preparation for leadership. To be more concerned with revenge than the survival of the human race, is crazy evil.
     If there is no GOD, there will be war. War is the absolute denial of the existence of God. Everyone, believers and non believer should pray for divine intervention.
     When the current president causes World War III, revenge will be reaped upon all those who have sinned against the current president. Like the angry little beast that plunged Germany and the world into World War II. I do not use his name because it is not worthy of history.


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