Meanwhile back In Trumptown DC (Formerly Washington DC.)

         By  Hoffman Abernathy                

   It is  allegedly reported the president escaped from his white suited wranglers by chewing through their butterfly nets. He dug another hole under the White House fence and escaped, again! 
   The president tore off all his clothes and ran, on all fours, to the Lincoln Memorial. He was followed closely by about 50 republicans carrying soda straws. Honking like a gaggle of geese, they were shouting; "YUMYUM! YUMYUM!        YUMYUM! YUMYUM!"
        Upon reaching the Lincoln Memorial, the president climbed the statue of President Lincoln and started throwing feces at the republicans who quickly gobbled it down and begged for more. still shouting;  "YUMYUM! YUMYUM!       YUMYUM!   YUMYUM!" Catching a particularly large knobbly turd one republican was heard saying; " Trump is great. Trump is good. Let us thank Trump for our food!" 
    It took multiple tazerings to subdue the slobbering president. As he was put into the  padded limo, he could be heard moaning, " I'm better than you. I'm better than all of you. " 


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