Remember When Politics Were Fun

by  quondam Senator Glory Days

"My Honorable Opponent is a low down dirty skunk. If we pass this budget. We are on the road to ruination. I can not approve this budget as is."

Remember when verbal repartee was fun. When compromise was not a dirty word. On the floor we were divas. In committee a civil debate, although sometimes a bit verbose, we got things done. I got half what I wanted, my honorable opponents got half what they wanted. Remember when winning was less important than being right. Honor, civility, cooperation "within reason" guided us. We can lean to the left or lean to the right as long as we serve all the people, Representative Democracy works.

Now the country is split 20% left, 60% middle of the road, and 20% right. One fourth of the right has gone fascist and they now control the country. That is because not enough people eligible to vote (the 60%) went out and voted. So the few have beaten the many.

Our job is not to beat each other. Our job is to serve all the people. In 1941 if we had had this administration. We wouldn't be speaking English. 
If we do not return to center right and center left, the United States of America has no future.

Now it is "I would rather drive this country into the ground than yield one codicil." In the Reichstag the Nazis bullied their way to totalitarianism. Does anyone see the raging fire about to consume our  Constitution and Bill of Rights?    


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