Let us give thanks for Trump's giving.

By Senator I. M. Suckingup

Let us give thanks to the greatest leader in the history of everything. Thanks to viral-good-looking-smart (he has a good brain)-Supreme Leader-President-Pontiff-Studleyness. The POTUS. More popular than Jesus.

Donuld Trump. 

 Doesn't his magnificence just make your day?  Only he alone can stop the onslaught of ramped democracy. Our defender of the USA cast system. He is the only one that can save America's greatest minority, the rich. While expanding the expendable surplus population as an organ donor pool. 

Only Trump The Omnipotent can perpetuate his leadership. Who needs the Supreme Court or the Congress, or elections. Almighty lord Trump is the Alpha, the Omega, the Juice.

Thank You Great Trump for Trump's giving.


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