The Galactic Enquiror from yellow rag press.

Now from the factually uncorroboratable files.
Featuring our resident Professional Conspiracy Theorist, UFO-ologist, and Certified California Psychic. 
Perry Noia    PCTUCCP doctorate and BMF.

 Aliens in the White House.
By Perry Noia

Yes, there are aliens from another planet, in the White House. Those 25 security clearance denials that were reversed and approved by presidential order. Every one says they are people, but just like Mr. Trump they are evil humanoid aliens. Sent here by an evil misanthropic race of space-baboons.

The Trump creature is a genetically engineered toad-pig-troll  hybrid, in the shape of a human. It's mission is to wreak havoc among the humans. Cause world wide economic collaps. Get the tribes to war on each other. 

The Trump toad-pig-troll wants to divide us so his misanthropic evil space-baboon masters can conquer the world. That is the alternative truth, or my name isn't Perry Noia.


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