
Another champion of justice has passed on.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has fought the good fight. Like all real champions, Justice Ginsburg has raised the bar. The world has become a better place for her having being here.  Now is her challenge. This is the land of Liberty. A truly liberal concept. We must take what she has accomplished.  We must make it better, in the name of Liberty and Justice for all.   Another truly liberal concept.

President trying to cause riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

For the first time in United States history a foreign agent of another country is attempting to eliminate the 3 branches of government. Effectively overthrowing the USA from within.   That foreign agent is the president of the United States of America.   Waco theory? Going to Kenosha Wisconsin , the president hopes to create more riots and more civil unrest so he can declare martial law and effectively stay president for life. Waco theory?  If you will remember a few years ago.  The Director of the CIA was a double agent for Russia .                                                                         Waco theory? Harold James Nicholson, Director of the CIA was convicted of spying for the Russian government. This just can't happen in America? It did. Look it up. "Little Dictator Donald" is trying to finish what Harold J. Nicholas started. Eliminate Constitutional rule of law. No person is above Our Constitution. The President has become Joseph Stalin, Charles Manson, J

Time for some rancor. And remember folks, republicans never check their facts or spelling.

 CRAP-O-CRAM n.   1. A fictitious announcement. 2. Pontifications from the orifice of the 45th presidency.  3. A bunch of lies. 4. BULL SHIT.   ................................................................................................ OFFICIAL CRAP-O-GRAM; From the office of the U.S. Department of PSEUDO VOODOO SCIENCE , PSYCHIC PHENOMON, UFOLOGY, ALT MEDECINE, AND ALT REALITY. Anouncing the new head of the PVSPPUAMAAR.  Now replacing the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Alt Doctor, Par A. Noid. Qualifications.  1. Unquestionably loyal to Prince John 2. Voted for Prince John "I Am" to be king of the Americas. 3. Certified Alabama Psychic and licensed Ouija Board operator. 4. Professor of Birthology. Graduated cum loudly. Charlie Manson University. 5. Doctorate of Ufology and alien medicine. From the Von Danikin institute.     6. Practicing misogynist. Complete acceptance speech by ALTDOCTOR  Par A. Noid    I am soooooo... blessed, to be in the pres


 Funk and Funkyer Post Reality Dictionary Now that we live in Trumph's fantasy nightmare land. New phrases, that are not profanity, need to be invented. ALT alphabetical, grammar, and spellingh checked by people as smart as the 45th president, In Trumph alt alphabetical order and Trumph syntax. Trumph n. 1. A fictitious character.  2. The most useless butt hole in the      world. (Similar to that troll soiling the carpet in the Whitehouse.)      3.  Uncultured, crude, lazy, stupid, ugly troll.  4. Commie stooge. PP            n    1. Putrid Potus.  2. The worst president or leader of any kind in      the history of everything.  3. Ignorant, entitled dunce. 4. Loud Clueless idiot. ALT       tv. v. 1. Phony.  2. Fabricated fiction.  3. Prefix to any false concept.  CRAP-O-CRAM   n.   1. A fictitous announcement. 2. Pontifications from the orifice of the 45th presidency.  3. A bunch of lies. 4. BULL SHIT.

The Nightmare adventures of Mashed Potato Head and Spud Boy

PROLOGUE It was a dark and stormy night... Putrid-Potus and his evil assistant Mioch McMconnell, ( that is pronounced like Bioch in "My prison Bi'och, Mi'och!) were in the dungeon below the Whitehouse torturing puppies and kittens with a used microwave they had stolen from the local food kitchen. When something went HORRIBLY! HORRIBLY! WRONG! As Putrid-Potus ( for accuracy we will call it "PP") was stuffing the last live puppy into the oven. A bolt of lightening struck the presidents personal PORN-DISH on the roof. And as we all know PP can't get it's Yaya's off, unless it is torturing small creatures while viewing child snuff flicks. As Mioch started to apply the PP's personal masturbation tweezers, the lightning arched from the porn screen to the tweezers, through Mioch's body, through PP's head, to the microwave oven and back. A sub human molecular change had occurred. Transforming the  narcissistic, cowardly misogamist's head i


Donny John wants and needs America to hate. He is the embodiment of hate. He needs hate from others to fuel his withering soul. Without hate from others, his own hate would consume him.  Lies, hatred, fear, and violence are the only tools he has. Donny John is a stupid evil tyrant. He lives in a world totally without love.  To fight his tyranny one must not live in fear. One must avoid hating and violence. We must love humanity, revere truth and freedom. If he makes everyone fear and hate, Donny John wins. He would have turned us into him. The only things we should be throwing at Donny John (AKA Adolph Hitler) and his SS are truth and nonviolence. Along with a healthy dose of mocking and rancor. Vulgar little tyrants like Donny John hate to be embarrassed. Let truth and rancor dog his every step. To win against Donny John's tyranny, all democracy has to do is  survive.  

Secret most recent IQ score card for putrid potus

Add caption The power of a SHARPIE in the hands of such a dull wit.