The Nightmare adventures of Mashed Potato Head and Spud Boy

It was a dark and stormy night... Putrid-Potus and his evil assistant Mioch McMconnell, ( that is pronounced like Bioch in "My prison Bi'och, Mi'och!) were in the dungeon below the Whitehouse torturing puppies and kittens with a used microwave they had stolen from the local food kitchen. When something went HORRIBLY! HORRIBLY! WRONG!
As Putrid-Potus ( for accuracy we will call it "PP") was stuffing the last live puppy into the oven. A bolt of lightening struck the presidents personal PORN-DISH on the roof. And as we all know PP can't get it's Yaya's off, unless it is torturing small creatures while viewing child snuff flicks.
As Mioch started to apply the PP's personal masturbation tweezers, the lightning arched from the porn screen to the tweezers, through Mioch's body, through PP's head, to the microwave oven and back.
A sub human molecular change had occurred. Transforming the  narcissistic, cowardly misogamist's head into a living pile of mashed potatoes. ( With bile gravy. UG!!) PP had mutated into MASHED POTATO HEAD.
As the remnants of Mioch's spine dissolved, he had been transformed into a giant rotting potato. Mioch mutated into SPUD BOY.                     
Thus creating the clueless duo. MASHED POTATO HEAD and SPUD BOY.
Scourge of all things true, decent, and good. Defenders of the Golden Calf. Their mission. To make the world safe from the threat of Truth, Justice, and the American way. They are the defendors of HYPOCRACY! The saviors of Kleptocracy. The archetypical Nazsti nightmare dream team.  
Stay tuned for chapter one.
 Dress Rehearsal for Martial Law.


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