Is the Civil War really over?

     In 1865 the Civil War ended. In reality the war was half over. For  the next 143 years there was a COLD CIVIL WAR. With the election of PRESIDENT OBAMA many thought the CIVIL WAR was over. Some knew the war was about 75 % over. The COLD CIVIL WAR continued. The powers of hate and division were beside them selves. The threat of a government of the people, by the people and for the people loomed.
     In 2016 the COLD CIVIL WAR rolled back up to 80 %. The fascists and militants squealed with glee.  The people of the United States are on the verge of a HOT CIVIL WAR. WE the PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES must get up and fight. But how?
     Doctor King is still and will always be correct in saying violence is not the answer. We must fight with information, community organizing, and most important VOTING. We must fight a CIVIL FIGHT. If we draw one drop of blood, or vandalize anything. We become them and they win.
     The fascists. racial purists, and xenophobes would love a divided country. Ruled by them. Controlling and exploiting everyone not them. Their methods, hate, fear, avarice, and violence.
     Violence is their first and best tool. Emotional and physical violence. Commonly known as terrorism. The people must not use terrorism.
     Faith in God. Faith in universal human rights. For the people to survive the people must denounce violence and proceed by any nonviolent method necessary. Uniting not dividing is the best way to achieve LIBERTY! HUMANITY! EQUALITY! So how does one proceed?              
      Tyrants have always feared humiliation. Even the most powerful monsters were embarrassed by jokes told by the weakest they controlled and murdered. The following joke was first told in WWII.
                    "Hitler and Goering  on a sinking ship. Both are about to drown.
                                                             Who gets saved?
                                                                Germany. "
         That joke is very relevant today.
    Our mission is to inform, entertain, and help people think. 


Wahoo said…
Go to VOTESAVEAMERICA.COM to make sure you're registered to vote--people are being dropped from the voting roles so double-check that you're okay. Also, check for volunteer opportunities in your area... GREAT SITE!!

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