A Nausiating support for Grabinall...Kavanaugh

By Hoffman Abernathy

Man the pigs are in the palace. This is a war against women. First we got Tritler (trump) in the oval office. What an amoral moron. Proud of grabbing a woman by her pussy, so she'll go anywhere with it. Tritler is a symptom of the disease Megalomania-sadistic-misanthropes' syndrome.  Any recommendation from Tritler (trump) is like a recommendation from Josef Mengele for a good surgeon.

Now Tritler has recommended Grabinall (kavanaugh) for the Supreme Court. Any endorsement from a pig like Tritler is automatic cause for suspicion. The vetting process and justice scream for an FBI investigation. Why are Tritler and Grabinall afraid of an FBI investigation. The FBI does not draw conclusions,  they are constitutionally bound to true objectivity. If they believed Grabinall really is innocent, the Trumpublicans (republicans) would already have an independent FBI investigation.

The conservative right (Fascists) are afraid of the whole truth. Hell, they're afraid of any truth! Common sense would want one to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt the veracity of Grabinall. 

 Der Fuhrer, Tritler is tripling down, it is willing to loose both the House and Senate to get a supreme lackey on the Supreme Court. Shots fired on fort Sumner (Equal Rights.) The war against women is escalating. 

If all women and men who are not fascist get out and vote, democracy (reality) will prevail. Grabinall will be Tritler's Pearl of Great Price.


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