First annual loayalty awards to be given at gala.

                                                                     By  'BIG 'T' THE PREZZ !!'
                                                                                            IN ALL MY GLORY.
     I know everyone will be honored to be in my presence for the first annual Martin Bormann loyalty awards.   It will be HUGE!   It will be bigger than the Oscars, Emmys, Golden Globes, and Nobel prizes, combined!

                          "World record crowds are expected. It will be great! A crowd larger than China!!" 
                                                                        said BIG  " T "
     Now that I  have created the most perfect union. Power, absolute loyalty and fear. A shout out to fear." You're the best." I definitely could have done it without you, but you made it more fun. Enough about me.
     I invented appreciation. And of course I deserve it. You would be lost without me. Face it. If I didn't exist the whole world would commit suicide. But enough about me.
     The Martin Bormann Loyalty awards are give for outstanding performance of loyalty, required by me. Helping me create a brave new world. The Constitution and Bill of Rights, like old obsolete antiques are nice to look at, but now they mean nothing. (Of course they are not as wonderful as looking at me.) I am the alpha I am the omega. But enough about me.
          Top prize goes to Sara, " you are my big White candy kiss."
          The jury award goes to my boy, Rudy. " Haven't I made your life great."
 I plan to name relocation centers after both of you.  But enough about me.
     Attendance is mandatory. You all insisted on that. I know all of you will be enthralled in my magnificence.
                                    By  BIG  "T " THE PREZZ! 
Elsewhere in the news. The White House head speech writer committed suicide by jumping into the worlds largest paper shredder. The grizzly remains were found in the White House basement by the cleaning staff. Which were quickly deported.  
                                                                                          Goiters wire service 


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