Think about it.

   Law enforcement must be held to a higher standard.
   By M. Thurgood

     The person that killed Botham Jean must be tried for murder. Botham Jean's mother has experienced the worst of all tragedies. To let this go as a tragic accident is not acceptable. 
     Being confused or tired cannot be a mitigating circumstance. The common sense of jurisprudence demands it. When a person is given the ultimate power of lethal enforcement, there are no excuses.
     The public trust invested in law enforcement requires ultimate responsibility. There are no accidents. To mitigate such a tragic crime of bad judgement impugns the honor of all law enforcement. It diminishes civilized society beyond measure. The people put their ultimate trust in law enforcement. Law enforcement must reciprocate with ultimate responsibility. 
    For example, the captain of a war ship has ultimate command of the ship. The police officer is the captain of the gun. The captain is always responsible. Regardless.
     When there is an incident causing death on a ship. In the inquisition, the first question is not, how it happened. The first question is, why did you let this happen? The  price of ultimate power is ultimate responsibility. Bad judgement is never an excuse. It takes courage to accept such responsibility. Obviously the officer is not up to that standard.
     Courage, Honor, Responsibility. Without all of these, police officers are nothing more than gang members with badges. Their responsibility is to protect and serve



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