reprint of What good cops do.

By M. Roscoe Edwards

SO WHAT, deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein talked about wearing a wire, talked about the 25th amendment. A good investigator considers all options. A great investigator, like Rod Rosenstein, uses only constitutionally valid procedures. The deputy attorney general never authorized those two options. Consider everything. That is good application of forensics.

Rod Rosenstein swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all threats domestic and foreign. Any one who defers to authority over his sacred oath to uphold the law. Should be fired. Rod Rosenstein should keep his job. He hasn't broken any laws.

His only crime is imaginary, in the mind of the Executive. I would want everyone on my team to seek and tell the truth. Real leadership would  never be afraid of the truth. What is Trump afraid of?


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