The Mysterious Phone call.

         By  M. Roscoe Edwards.
 A couple of weeks ago. Our Editor in Chief, Constance Dogood sent a letter the the pentagon. In the letter she posed the question. What if Trump threatens to launch our Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles, if he is not made president for life? Could he blackmail the Legislature and the Judiciary with atomic annihilation, if they do not do everything he says?
     Are there constitutional protocols that could stop the president in real time? Not next session. Without verification of a immanent threat, could he be stopped, before he launches our ICBMs? Starting WWIII? 
     A week ago. InfraGard agents of the Trumpstapo asked Constance to come down to Trumpspolizel head quarters. For a Little talk. Nothing was heard from her until this morning. 
      A mysterious phone call came in on a burn cell phone around 1 am. She said she was taking a little vacation for some weeks. Later this morning her apartment was found ransacked. Nothing of value was stolen. Her Studebaker Avanti was missing from the office garage. She only drives it on the last weekend of the month. The fuel has to be hand mixed for a high enough octane to prevent damage to the engine.
     Just before this post. I got a call from her. She said she is safe and resting in an undisclosed location in Canada. We are not to worry. In time the truth will emerge. Constance Dogood reminded us of our mission statement.
                           "To entertain and help you think."
She added;    "Opinions are not facts. Do not accept anything
                         we say here as fact, until you verify it
                         from multiple independent sources."  
     For now, Tom S. Hunter will be the acting Editor in Chief. So do not be alarmed if our publication takes a slightly more aggressive editorial stance. Keep calm and carry on.


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