Women's Rights are About to be Raped, Again!                                                     by a person who loves America

Trump is scared. The FBI could prove Dr. Ford's statements are false. If Trump really thought Kavanaugh is innocent, he would insist on an investigation. However, Trump and the republicans don't believe Kavanaugh is innocent. Trump and the republicans are ramming through the vote.

Hypocrisy rules the day. The Republicans delayed a supreme court confirmation for months and that was okay. At the time there wasn't even a moral issue involved. Here we have a most important issue, RAPE. There is no such thing as a little rape. When a person violates another persons body physically or psychologically. IT IS RAPE!

Denying an FBI investigation is an insult to everyone, especially women. But republicans appear afraid of which truth will be revealed. The wrong truth doesn't fit their plan to continue marginalizing women.

If they push through Kavanaugh their misogynistic tradition  continues, encouraging women to shut up and get back in the kitchen. Jane-crow reinforced, second-hand citizenship protected.

For all women, we must phone and write our Senators, NOW. If you don't, you defer to the "superior" male. IF we don't speak up today, women won't be allowed to tomorrow. 


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