You Read It HereFirst.

                                                                                     By Beatrix Anderson

     Yes. Gnomes do exist. In retrospect, the first major public appreciation of Gnomes is thought to be in the publication of the story of the Shoemaker and the Elves. Elves had recently become accepted in civil society. Anti Gnome racism was still acceptable. To get work many Gnomes had to pass as Elves. As long as there are hateful stupid people there will be racism. 
     In the preindustrial world every thing was hand made. Elves and Gnomes were pioneers of miniaturization. For example. The Pyramids chiseled from a bean. Elves. The coliseum carved from a chestnut. Gnomes. Many Elves and Gnomes got work weaving carpets in Belgium.
     The advent of the Jacquard loom was the beginning of industrialized automation. The world of had made was shrinking. Elves diversified going into publishing and advertising. Elves are not averse to notoriety. Gnomes are known for their affinity for anonymity. Being pushed out of the industrialized world both moved to the world of whimsy. Both reversed  diversification concentrating on whimsy.
     A monoculture based on whimsy is a fragile economic model. Cycles of boom and bust are shortest in a monoculture. Recovery does not occur. The whimsey economy collapsed in 1929. It has never recovered. There are enclaves of whimsy. Elves have fared better recovering, economically.     People see Elves everywhere. Elves love external verification. Gnome sightings are extremely rare.
     Gnomes are more private. Sometimes you see them just out of the corner of your eye. Gnomes can freeze solid for long periods of time. Gnomes can also turn invisible for up to about an hour. Gnomes have moved into the world of computers. They are I.T. If you use a slow light ( a dark matter beam projector) you can see Gnomes in your computer. If you listen closely to your pc. Sometimes you can hear them giggling inside your PC.
     There is nothing wrong with working with computers for the betterment of all. Personally, I would like to be a cartoonist like Marie Severin.  May she rest in fulfilment and peace.
         I'm  Beatrix Anderson
              New Gen Gnome.


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