And now our resident Nazi cow, COWIE ANN KELLWAY !!!

By Cowie Ann Kellway 

Moo Heil!  Everybody.

Open auditions are starting for our Great! Glorious! Virile! Most Hansom! Smartest of all time. HE HAS A GOOD BRAIN AND KNOWS HOW TO USE IT.

Trump The First's first annual    "TRUMPMASS Holiday Minstrel Extravaganza."     Black-face review, December 25, 2019. 

The theme is   SOUTHERN PROSPERITY 1859.   We need one hundred happy slaves. Twenty must play banjo. Sixty sing and dance jigs. Twentyfive must cook, sing, and dance. All must be able to shuffle convincingly. 

Starring roles for our slaves to play are Step-and-fetch-it, Uncle Tom, Uncle Remus, Old Ezra, Topsy, and Missy. In celebration of the happy times we like to call it Gemutlich. All races accepted, except the Irish. You will be provided with authentic typhus, lice, and flea infested costumes. For that real southern flavor.

Makeup will be provided by  Joseph Mengele's cosmetics. Plenty of burnt cork. Cholera and bubonic plague injections for authenticity. Actors with open soars and heavily scarred preferred. To add to the authenticity of the good old days of the south.

Get ready for a slap happy celebration that will make The South Great Again.

Moo Heil! Everybody     Moo Heil!

Send your resumes to;    Whitey's House 
                                    1600 Cracker Ass Ave 
                                  Washington, DC 55555


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