Chief Justice John Roberts calls it like it is. For now.

BY M. Rosco Edwards

Until president Trump becomes Emperor Trump. The Supreme Court is an equal branch of government. For Trump to threaten to file a complaint on the ninth court in California is stupid but very telling.

Chief Justice John Roberts is correct in saying there are no Obama judges, no Trump judges, no Bush judges, and no Clinton judges. He is correct in stating the judiciary is non political. Their job is to interpret what is and what is not law. The rule of law. Not the rule of Trump.

At least seven of the Supreme Court Judges appear to be independent thinkers. But two are suspect of being nothing but Subordinate shills to Emperor Trump. These are very dangerous legal times. By definition the judges are objective critical thinkers using deductive logic mechanics.

To obey or even acquiesce Trumps ravings diminishes the Supreme Court beyond imagination. Judges are independent protectors of the rule of law. They are not Emperor Trumps political puppets on his strings.

It is not that hard to imagine Trump wants to overthrow our Constitutional rule of law. A political coup de tat for Emperor Trumps rule of edict. If enough generals  follow him. Our great experiment in democracy will be murdered. 


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