Constitution? He don't need no stinking Constitution. He's the PREZZ.

From the orifice of the PREZZ. (No matter what orifice it is, it's bad news.)

OK. Losers and fake news, listen up. I am the PREZZ. I can do anything I want. Who's going to stop me? Not my bitch republicans. And certainly not you. Your elitist reign of democracy is over. 

The people don't want freedom and liberty. Those are the purest liberal ideas second to the right to bear arms (the second amendment.) As long as the elitist Bill of Rights exist. There will be liberal things, like social security. Very, very liberal. Very bad.

So, give back your social security. You're going to die anyway.
Do you want to be known as a dirty elitist liberal?

 No! You want us watching you in your bedrooms to make sure you do nothing liberal. You want us listening in on your phone conversations. So you do not conspire to burn bibles, give abortions while teaching sex education to 5 year olds, and  letting President Obama and crooked Hillary take away your guns!!! 

If I say Rat-boy Ryan is not a citizen. Then he is not a citizen. If I say no more elections. I can stay President for ever. And my bitch republicans will do nothing to stop me. I have the Army behind me. They will not cravenly obey the Constitution. The will bravely obey Me, THE PREZZ. THE POTUS, THE SPHINKTER ROYAL. Obey me or I will destroy the world.


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