Has the republican party lost faith in democracy?

By Richard Poor

Restricting voter access under the false flag of saving money is a crime. Poles should be accessible to all the people. Fighting voter fraud is a duck blind.  If one can eliminate the opposition's voter access, one does not need to stuff ballot boxes. 

Screening out votes from the other side proves one does not believe in democracy. The republican party has forgotten it used to be the party of empowerment. Now it is the party of exclusion. 

By excluding votes The Republicans are saying;   "We the minority must rule the majority. We know we don't have the support of the masses so we must cheat our way to power."   They are building the foundation for a permanent oligarchy. 

An oligarchy of the rich supported by the stupid. Just make the gullible hate and or fear something and they will blindly follow. Hate and fear justify the end. But in reality hate and fear destroy democracy. Hate and fear fan the fires of intolerance.

Let all the people vote. Let the majority really rule and unite us. History demands a national consensus. Cooperation is not capitulation. Our combined differences make us stronger as a whole. You have heard it a million times;  "United we stand divided we fall. If we don't hang together. We will surely hang separately."  We cannot survive as the Divided States of America.

Our greatest threat is us against each other. Nothing else can defeat our great experiment in democracy. No external power can defeat the USA.

Only internal hate and fear can defeat the United states of America.


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