Post Reality Times.

The King's Speech.
By Rudy Goebbels

Our Great Dear Leader is in France so the people of Europe can thank him personally, for the end of The Great War. What would the world do without our monarch Great Dear Leader, Trump the first. I can hear him now. He speaks to the hearts of all loyal party members. The following is from the Trump (alternative) reality speech.

Trump; " Happy Veteran's Armistice Day. What a Great War. What a turn out. Isn't this a great crowd. Bigger than the original crowds at Ypres and Somme, combined. I hope every one is enjoying themselves. You should, I'm here. Thank you for that applaud. I deserved it. You are so lucky to have me here today. 

No one knows more about war than me. I won the congressional medal of honor three times, (twice posthumously.) Didn't I do a great job for world peace and tranquility. When I get back to Washington. I'm putting myself in for a much deserved forth Congressional Medal of Honor. My chattel, the Republiklan party, will do as they are told.

 In closing, enjoy this happy Memorial Day.
 Your Greatest Leader in History 
 King Donald Trump the First."

Wasn't that a great speech by our King. Don't forget real truth must be repeated until it is truth. Truth isn't truth.

Minister of Propaganda,
 Rudy Goebbels. 


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