Russia Probe to end soon so White house can concentrate on the Invasion.

By Cowie Ann Kellway (Our resident Nazi cow.)

Moo Heil! Everybody. Moo Heil!

The fake news fake Russia investigation, started by crooked Hillary and her minions at the child slavery pizza parlor, is coming to it's logical, truthefull, factised end. So our DEAR LEADER can concentrate on the millions and millions of invading rapist, murderer, drug smuggling, welfare taking, democrat voting, rock throwers. And make America safe again.

Our DEAR LEADER is going to stop the hordes of illegals who sneak into our donut shops at night. Cut open donuts so they can be straightened out and ribbed to make churros. Yummy double ribbed (for my pleasure) churros. 

The illegals are sneaking into our guacamole orchards and stealing guacamoles so they can make illegal imorral salsa.  They are switching out coffee cake for empanadas. They are forcing people to eat fresh fruit, not canned fruit. They threaten to replace Denver omelets with huevose rancheros. 

Soon the war with Mexico will stop the invading hordes. the only way to keep the illegal foreigners like the Puerto Ricans is to occupy all of the Americas, north and SOUTH. So we can send them to where they belong. Final solution 2.0.

President Trump's war for peace will bring peace and security to the world. War is good, war creates jobs. War unites white people who are just as inteligunt as me, Cowie Ann Kellway.

Moo Heil.


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