By Hoffman Abernathy

You just can't Gerrymander democracy away. No matter how much the Republi'KLAN party tries. Other people than the KKK still have the right to vote. America has taken back the House of Representatives. While the Republi'klan party has won more white supremist xenophobes in the Senate. 

As for Ku Klux Florida, the south has won the civil war. Again! Using Trump'olini's (apologies to Italy and the Mussolini family) fear of the invading hoards of women, children, men, and bigfoot-yeti ISIS terrorists, who threaten to come up and vote democrat, while burning bibles, teaching evolution, forcing sex education on teenagers while performing abortions.

Remember the boy who cried wolf? What about the racist who cried invasion?

Using immigration to promote apartheid, Trump'olini has claimed victory after victory in his never ending war to make America safe from democracy. NO DEMOCRACY, NO DEMOCRATS!  Trump'olini wants to make America great again, as great as 1940 Germany. With the acquiescence of the Republi'klan party, he just might create a fascist's paradise. 

America, we need to keep on fighting for our Constitution. What will it be? A Trump monarchy or Democracy? Stay involved America.


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