By Tom S. Hunter

The tin plated swaggering baboon infecting the White House, our favorite little dictator the Trump'olini, has fired Sessions. But it didn't fire Sessions. Trump'olini ordered Sessions to resign. Reminds me of the horrible little man whom looked like Charlie Chaplin and walked like a duck  (Schickelgruber) when he ordered general Irwin Rommel to resign, via suicide. I'm sure the Trump'olini wishes it could have ordered Sessions to do the same. It sees the end is coming. The midterms are to the Trump'olini what Stalingrad was to Schickelgruber. 

Time for a constitutional Convention. Soon the Republiklans will loose control of the house. Threatening the Trump'olini monarchy. El DoucheBag is loosing power. It is time to stop the wheels of justice. The Trump'olini regime is being threatened by the rule of law. 

The Fugly President wants to set president by being President, for ever. Keep the throne or go to jail. One can't arrest a Monarch. 
Trump'olini's three branches of government are, Me, Myself, and I. 

El DoucheBag is unanimous, in that.  


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