
Showing posts from December, 2018

More stuff about the potus.

By Uncle Sam Hi folks. Remember me, the old guy dressed in red, white, and blue on the "I want you!" poster. Well, I need you now! To step up to help our United States of America. Against a growing threat to our beloved Constitution. The American way. It likes to call itself the POTUS instead of president. Potus is more like potentate or emperor. Actually trump is a festering political metaphor. What gangrene is to the body, trump is to the body politic. Like John Wayne Gasey without the style. This slobbering baboon is a threat to all things decent.  The Potus would rather see 80,000 families in America go hungry over it's stupid wall. Trump is hurting 80,000 families right now, rather than get funding for his stupid wall later. When both houses compromise to come up with a bill. It is the President's obligation to sign it. This is a representative democracy not a monarchy. The liberals revolted against their last king. Only liberals can guarant

And now our resident nazi cow....COWIE ANN KELLWAY !!!!!!!!!

By Cowie Ann Kellway MOO HEIL! Everybody.  MOO HEIL! And Merry TRUMPMASS! The TRUMPMASS Holiday Minstrel Extravaganza was a Huuuge success!! In spite of the thousands and thousands of letters condemning the minstrel show and our Dear leader changing the name of Christmas to TRUMPMASS. ( He is more popular than Jesus, Mohamed, Buda, Vishnu, and all those other guys. combined.) I know all those very bad letters were written by liberals intent on equality and rule of law. They were all lies. No where in the constitortion does it say Donald Trump personally cannot be a monarch. No where does it say Donald trump can't have minstrel shows. Due to the interference of the liberals, not one black applied to be in the minstrel show. The POTUS always keeps his word, completely unchanged from exactkly what he promised. So our dear Leader made his entire cabinet, most of the Senate, and two supreme court justices perform in blackface. Kavanaugh is pretty good on a banjo and h

Beware the id Monster

By Mariam Rumi Computers have become ubiquitous in society. They have enhanced medical treatment, streamlined industry, and replaced manual labor's most repetitive tasks. Where available, they have enhanced education. Computer Aided Evolution of society.  As an aid, computers elevate society. Properly used they can help bring out the best in humanity. They should be used prudently. They can amplify what one is, good or bad. Unfortunately the computer has released the "id" monster. The primitive part of the human brain that is impulsive and demands immediate satisfaction.  The selfish ego centered, ME, ME, ME. In the hands of an immature person the computer releases the  id monster held in check by ethics, maturity, compassion, and logic.  On line one can immerse oneself in racism, pornography, sadism, paranoia, voyeurism galore. The computer dredges up the scum of humanity. It threatens to replace reality with delusion.  The id monster has been released. H

What war will the Prezz want to start next?

By Hoffman Abernathy  Looks like the Prezz  "KING TRUMP THE FIRST"  is getting bored. He has won his war against truth and reality. He is winning his war against democracy. What is a monarch to do? How can he stay King of the USA? King Trump is like an atomic breeder reactor for hate. He can only build hate from hate. Without hate, monarch Trump will loose all it's power. Trump can only survive using the fuel of hate. If the goose-stepping Tritler (Trump) can start a race war or trump up the undocumented migration into an invasion. Will he use that raw hate to fuel his coup to overthrow the three branches of government?  He has been telegraphing his plans for his monarchy since day one. Are there enough true patriots left who swore to uphold and defend the constitution against all threats "DOMESTIC" and foreign to preserve rule of law? Can they still stop Tritler from arresting the Senate, House of Representatives, and the Judiciary in the name

Mr. Trump's moral and intelectual deficiencies.

By Constance Dogood President George H. W. Bush will be remembered for his "A thousand Points of Light." A metaphorical catalogue of the best attributes of humanity. Mr. Trump will be remembered for the opposite.  In a speech Mr. Trump referred to President Bush's phrase, a thousand points of light. He said;                                 "A thousand points of light. What's with that? I don't get it."   Mr. Trump was speaking the truth from (what's left) of his heart. He truly does not understand the concepts of goodness, kindness, and responsibility.  He is morally bankrupt and intellectually delinquent. For him morals are what limits others. He has the most undisciplined mind since Caligula. He is petty, selfish, covetous, vindictive, a coward in the light of truth.  Mr. Trump will be remembered for A thousand pits of darkness. The embodiment of everything bad about humanity. Evil and stupid is far more dangerous than evil and smart.

A shinning point of light has moved on to the Heavens.

By Anon With the passing of President George H. W. Bush  a light has gone out here and become a star in the sky. The President was one of the thousand points of light for a  kinder gentler nation. One is reminded of some of the most important points of light  compassion, humility, responsibility, empathy, mercy . He left the world a little better than it was before him. Maybe there can be a kinder gentler world.