What war will the Prezz want to start next?

By Hoffman Abernathy
 Looks like the Prezz  "KING TRUMP THE FIRST"  is getting bored. He has won his war against truth and reality. He is winning his war against democracy. What is a monarch to do? How can he stay King of the USA?

King Trump is like an atomic breeder reactor for hate. He can only build hate from hate. Without hate, monarch Trump will loose all it's power. Trump can only survive using the fuel of hate.

If the goose-stepping Tritler (Trump) can start a race war or trump up the undocumented migration into an invasion. Will he use that raw hate to fuel his coup to overthrow the three branches of government? 

He has been telegraphing his plans for his monarchy since day one. Are there enough true patriots left who swore to uphold and defend the constitution against all threats "DOMESTIC" and foreign to preserve rule of law? Can they still stop Tritler from arresting the Senate, House of Representatives, and the Judiciary in the name of national security. Is Tritler's excuse to stop the liberal threat, martial law? How can one protect the land of liberty from the threat of the liberals? Freedom is the most liberal expression of liberalism.

Tritler won't invade Poland. Maybe Iran and or Mexico. Tritler didn't need to annex the Sudetenland. He annexed Washington. History does not repeat itself. Hate does.

Defeat hate and you defeat Trump The First. Monarch of the USA.



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