And now our resident nazi cow....COWIE ANN KELLWAY !!!!!!!!!

By Cowie Ann Kellway

MOO HEIL! Everybody.  MOO HEIL!

The TRUMPMASS Holiday Minstrel Extravaganza was a Huuuge success!! In spite of the thousands and thousands of letters condemning the minstrel show and our Dear leader changing the name of Christmas to TRUMPMASS. ( He is more popular than Jesus, Mohamed, Buda, Vishnu, and all those other guys. combined.) I know all those very bad letters were written by liberals intent on equality and rule of law. They were all lies.

No where in the constitortion does it say Donald Trump personally cannot be a monarch. No where does it say Donald trump can't have minstrel shows. Due to the interference of the liberals, not one black applied to be in the minstrel show.

The POTUS always keeps his word, completely unchanged from exactkly what he promised. So our dear Leader made his entire cabinet, most of the Senate, and two supreme court justices perform in blackface. Kavanaugh is pretty good on a banjo and he can really dance for the POTUS.

As an extra special gift to our dear leader, the freedom caca party collected the tears of all the children separated from their parents at the boarder. A full quart. The POTUS thanked them and said; "It tasted great, not as great as me, but great."

At the end of the show the POTUS blessed all the minstrels, reminded them how great he is, and gave them all facsimile autographed pictures of the POTUS. So they could pray to him, daily.

Get with the program! This is the rule of our Dear Leader the POTUS.



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