Beware the False Patriots.

By Richard Poor

Most of our patriots are born here in the USA. Some come from other countries and become USA citizens. Being born a citizen of the USA, one does not have to swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all threats domestic and foreign. The civilian population is expected to respect the rule of our laws. Government and military services must swear allegiance to our Constitution. Foreigners who become USA citizens must swear allegiance to our Constitution.

 Most USA citizens are patriots. Most naturalized citizens are patriots. They all pay taxes, obey our laws, respect our civil rights. Being a true patriot used to come naturally to us all. We have been marginalized by false patriots. Like Dick Cheney, whom said on the senate floor; "Maybe Americans have to many freedoms." 

Freedom is the most liberal right embraced and mandated by our Constitution. The first ten amendments  (our Bill of Rights ) are the foundation of liberalism. Our nations founders, our first patriots, are liberals. We celebrated their liberalism throughout our history. The Liberty Bell. The fourth of July. The Statue of Liberty. 

It is the liberals who defend our constitution the strongest. The liberals promote freedom. The conservatives promote their control over everything. Mao, Joseph, Adolph , Dick, and Donald are all conservatives. Their only allegiance is to themselves and their expanding power. They have no honor, no fidelity. Their goal was and still is the elimination of all freedom.
 They proudly call themselves conservatives.  

I find it alarming and very unpatriotic for USA citizens to call themselves conservatives instead of Americans. I find it incredibly hypocritical when alleged liberals commit the same crimes as the conservatives. Like trying to take away our first amendment rights. Or violating our rights to privacy such as illegal wire tapping and or hacking into someone's computer.

To be a true patriot one must support our Constitution by more than just word, but by deed
Anything less is Un-American.


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