Hay! Hay! Hay! Nogoodnicks. Vlad with the Plan.

By Vlad Dracul

Are you ready for a Castro-Cuba style revolution? Da! Da! F***ing Da! You all. Not the Stasi, not the KGB, but private business folk just like the potus. Are ready and waiting to loan the potus 5000 privateers to help stabilize the crisis in Amerika. 

They will inspire the bitch-nick republicans and every body else to have a constitutional convention. Just like Sadam Hussein straighten out Iraq. We can fix all the problems caused by liberals. Once that annoying bill of rights (the greatest threat to conservatism ever) is redacted. The simple conservatives can take over and permanently end the threat of democracy from the face of the earth. Why!

You never wanted the liberals, like Abraham Lincoln, to rule. You don't want freedom, you demand security. You want the morality police in your bedrooms. Why? You want to be enslaved. Slavery is the most egalitarian form of oppression ever. No elitists among slaves. Right?

You want a wall. And we can help you fulfill your dream. So a  conservative oligarchy of the conservative rulers, by the conservative rulers, and for the conservative rulers, shall not perish from the earth. Conservatism, YES. Freedom, NO!

No democracy.    No liberals.   No problem. 


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