Jerrymandering Rules.

By Bellicose G. Avarice 

Jerrymandering is great. It is the best way for the conservative (white supremist) thirty two percent of the people to keep control of the government. Thanks to our Anarchist-in-Chief it is our way or we will destroy the government. Anarchism is not a bad thing when it floods down from the oval office. We conservatives are the best anarchists in history.

Democracy does not work. Jerrymandering is proof of that. If we conservatives really believed representative democracy works. We would never Jerrymander the political map. It is not cheating if it benefits the conservatives. 

You people who believe in the noble spirit of man kind, like Doctor King. Believe man is basically good and can achieve salvation. You most likely also believe in God. You are such dreamers.

We, the conservatives believe in power, naked, merciless power. We use God as a tool to maintain  our control over you. What ever you liberals do is an abomination. What ever we conservatives do is ordained by god. Through Jerrymandering we legalize our eternal power. You liberals are limited by the archaic concept of ethics and morality. To us conservatives they are just buzz words only useful when they serve us. 

It is not what is just and true. It is what is legal.


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