Leave the greatest person in histury alone.

By  Republican Senator I. M. Suckingup 

You stinking liberals keep muddling the situation with the facts. You are not looking at the alternative facts. You refuse to acknowledge the alt reality of today.

Give the hardest wurking  POTUS for all time alone. This 5 time winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor (twice posthumously) has done more for man kund than Jesus. You should be worshiping him in the hugest temple in the universe. 

He has neve lied, cheated, or stole. When you arrange, in chronological order, the words he spoke, sure it reads like a lie. When you hear about him taking credit for other people's work. Sure on paper it looks like cheating. When you read about people he allegedly failed to pay, on a deal he made. Sure it looks like theft and fraud. You are not understanding what he meant.

Sure it sounds like he promossed twenty-plus times "Mexico will pay for the wall!" It only sounds that way. President Great One is not working for the Russians. He is working with the Russians. He is fully willing to compromise on everything.
 Just ask Mr. Putin.


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