More stuff about the first fat-boy our GLUTTON-IN-CHIEF

By  Tom S. Hunter

Here's to the guy with as much style and good looks as a bloated mole rat. Donny John the prezz. First in tariffs, first in recklessness, first at the dinner trough. What is that thing between his teeth? OH! That's his tongue. 
I thought it was a talking tumor. 

While hundreds of thousands of good citizens suffer. Our Glutton-in-chief dines in a warm house subsidized by the same people he is torturing. Donny John has never missed a meal. How many meals are being missed by government employees and the communities they do business with like grocery stores, restaurants, hardware stores, etc.

He is our modern day Fulgencio Batista. Threatened by the will of the oppressed people he enjoys hurting. Donny john Batista wants a wall. He needs a padded cell.

He is clearly conspiring to become EL PRESEDENTE FOR LIFE. He can only win if we the people fail in our loyalty to the Constitution of the United states of America. How much longer will the world suffer this BLOATED TOAD of a sub human?



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