The Hideous Styles of president Frump.

By Rue  "TALL" Lynn

For most people style and fashion are like icing on a cake, covering the deliciousness inside. They amplify the beauty within. 
For president Frump, style and fashion are like cod liver oil. 
Same side effects.

There is nothing that can help the ugliness inside president Frump.  Compared to president Frump, Quasimodo is Cary Grant.
 Frump has all the style of Joseph Stalin.

I always thought a little makeup and a good outfit could fancy up anyone. Style for president Frump is like putting shag carpet in a broken down port a potty. For the first time I have seen true ugly to the bone.
President Frump looks like some creep from central casting for the Walking Dead. He reminds me of a shabby, cheap, very short, Frankenstein's monster knockoff.
 Frump looks more like an "IT" than a human.

When it comes to slovenly, dumpy, ugly to the bone.
 President Frump is "IT."  


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