And now a new super hero?

The adventures of Captain Old Guy
By Drial Nodrog 

Narl beaker Jr. gerontologist, son of the famous Beaker of Henson laboratories, was working late one night. He was mixing harmless heavy water and Bunsen's magical fountain of youth tonic. Suddenly there was a terrible, terrible accident.

After the glowing stopped Dr. Beaker realized he had been transformed into the exact likeness of a sixty five year old Dick Clark. An energy surged through his body endowing him with new super powers.      
Power 1.  METEROLOGICAL PROGNOSTICATION. When his knees start to ache, surely a storm is on the way.
Power 2. Hypno-speech. The ability to put someone to sleep in less than sixty seconds by talking about the good old days.
Power 3. Three kinds of nonlethal flatulence. (FARTS)
                a. TEAR GAS. Although odorless, one whiff and one is blinded for five minutes. 
It also causes uncontrollable flow from one's tear ducts for thirty minutes.
                b. THUNDER CLAP. A fart so loud it can break down a  reinforced door at ten feet. 
It also scares children and animals for miles.                       
                c. THE STINCH REAPER. A smell so foul even  politicians are offended by it. 
Even after all the shit  they gladly eat on a daily basis from their lobbyist-donors.
Power 4. LIE DETECTION. The ability to tell if one is lying in less than four words.

As with all new super heroes it would take time to learn all his powers and weaknesses.
"I must use my powers for good not evil."
Thus began the adventures of Captain Old Guy. 


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