Do not Bluff us into World War Three

By M Rosco Edwards

Hay, Donny John. Bluffing works very well, when dealing with spoiled rich people who fear loosing money more that anything else. It also works when you are cheating your subcontractors out of their money. They didn't inherit the lawyers you inherited. You knew they didn't have the money to sue you. The old stall for time till they give up, bluff.

When you bluffed the entire republican party. They really thought you would use your own money to run for president. They didn't realize how stingy and greedy you have always been. 

Most top republicans are racists, they could have fielded a candidate as racist as you. However only your blatant Nazi appeal could have led the racists out of the closet in the greatest numbers since the KKK marches in Washington. Now your avarice,  moral repugnance, and political pornography have taken you as far as you can go. Bluffing republican millionaires is easy. Enchanting Nazis comes naturally to you. Be very careful (which goes against your nature.) Lawyers cannot fix what you are about to break.

Bluffing countries can start World War Three.


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