Evil Plansky 2.0

By Vlad Dracul

Ok nogoodniks, time for part two of evil plan. Our puppet running the US of A (Donald Trumpsky) has been cleared of all charges. This is backed up by the factual reporting of our loyal Foxsky news comrades. 

Although Trumpsky has failed to start a race war in the US of A, he is working on a security false flag incident. Trumpsky and the alt right will do to US of A what The United States did to Cuba in 1898. A splendid little war.

 When the US of A becomes a vassal state of Russia. We have promised Donald Trumpsky leadership for life. 

What keeps us in control is that we don't care how disgusting and perverted our vassals are, when running their semiautonomous states. Sadism, sodomy, bestiality, cannibalism, we don't care what Trumpsky is doing, as long as he serves Russia.

Thanks to computer vulnerability and the high proportion of stupid racists, we are destroying democracy in Brittan and the US of A. The weak-minded believe anything that comes over their computers. Although we have given up on overthrowing Brittan. For now. We are concentrating on the US of A. 

Our evil plansky is totally dependent on Donald Trumpsky and the cowardly republicans. As Trumpsky calls them, " My little Bitch-republicans." Trumpsky has already neutered the legislature and is packing the Supreme Court. When martial law is declared, Trumpsky will rewrite their Constitution.

 If it were not for Jerrymandering, none of this could have occurred. Thank you Bitch-republicans.

Heil Trumpsky!


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