Is the Human Race Sentient?

Christchurch, New Zealand, mass senseless cold blooded murder. How can one human murder another? Ethiopian Airlines crash, was there awareness of the computer problem? The never ending wars in the Middle East and everywhere else on earth. When one kills another, they deny that individual the chance to learn, the chance to be enlightened. One cannot enlighten the dead.

Global pollution, global warming. The Human race appears to be more self destructive than self aware. Humans are killing each other more and more. War is the most popular game on the internet.
The humans are killing the earth and they know it.

Or do they? If there is no God? How can the human race be sentient? Is the human race nothing more than part of a biological whole? Is the human race nothing more than a cell gone cancerous? Will the biosphere Earth make the human race extinct in order to survive? Is the human race crazy? 

If things proceed unchecked will the human race destroy itself? Considering all that is going on, the human race might have the illusion of sentience. 
One prefers to believe God is preventing the human race from self destruction. 
There is universal horror but there is hope.
 A sentient emotion.


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