Just a note about the temporary Supreme Court

How the Subservient Court will handle 
King Donny John's VETO
By Bart McKavanaugh

Ok fellow subjects. Here is what will happen when the separation of powers issue goes before the FKA (Formerly Known As) Supreme Court for adjudication. The Subservient Court (or council of Trump) will rule five to four for our monarch, King Donny John the First. It is a given.

The senate has already abdicated all it's power to our god-king, Donny John. There will never be enough backbone in the republican party to override the VETO. The spineless republicans are more afraid of TRUMP than protecting the Constitution of the United States of America. The king knows that and so do we. 

King Donny John the first, has promised he will keep us justices around. As long as we serve him. I'll bet my robes on it. He has never broken a promise in his illustrious life. Donny John has never told a lie and he never promised Mexico would pay for the wall. Those alleged videos of (the promise) are photoshopped using liberal elitists. 

Get with the program! Or be sent to a reeducation camp. Soon we will all bask in the blinding white light of King Donny John's magnificence. A two branch government will save 30% on government cost with no legislature anymore. Here in the united states of TRUMP. He would have named us Trumpsylvania but that is too kitsch for an icon, like him, of such great taste.



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