Police blotter; Trumptown D.C.

Public warning. Be on the lookout for the potus.

The President has dug another hole under the White House fence and escaped. It is advised citizens should lock up their pets, until the president is captured and returned to his padded office in the White House. 

The Potus is a known pot bellied pig rapist. He is also known to eat small dogs, cats, and especially sewer rats alive. The president was last spotted naked and galloping  in a circle on all fours in front of the Smithsonian castle building. He was heard screaming loudly and pointing at the castle.
" My tomb will be bigger than Grant's tomb!"
Licensed veterinarians, armed with tranquilizer darts and taser poles have been dispatched to the area. The padded limousine is being readied to receive the slobbering feces throwing president. Wranglers are ready in full bio hazard suits. 

If you see the president, DO NOT MAKE SEWER RAT SOUNDS. The president has not been fed his fourth meal yet, today. He will be very hungry. If he thinks you are food? Run like hell! 

If you see the slobbering barking howling president? Please contact Animal Control. 


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