The pig is safe in the palace.

By Rob Rancor

Well, the slug-troll-trump is still tainting the White House. Between eating live sewer rats and raping pot belly pigs. The pig monster from slimy swamp is keeping pretty busy.

The cretin trump might be innocent of conspiring with the Russians to get elected. That being settled. A threat still exists.

He now has to top being president. The only way is to stay in office longer than President Roosevelt. What about conspiring with the Russians to stay permanent president of the United States?

His actions are clearly the actions of someone planning to stay in office, for ever. The neutered republican party will do anything slug-troll-trump wants. They are more afraid of trump than keeping America the land of the free. Watch out, martial law could result from a national emergency being declared. In the beginning, no one took Hitler seriously. 


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