The Potus talks education (?) Alt right style.

By King Donny John the First.
 King of the Americas. 
(including the shit-hole parts.)
From The Imperial Palace;

 Heil Myself  !!!

I'm big on education. I'm the Hugest on education. I am the murst educated Potus ever. I have a huge brain. It won't even fit in the chamber pot anymore. Its huge!

In college I got Super-kum-louder, Magnet-kum-louder, and Kum-louder. I was the loudest of all of those guys and chicks.
I did it all by myself, nobody helped. And now you my supposedly loyal subjects, stab your King in the back. Shameful. Just shameful. On all of yous.

All I commanded was one tiny little five billion dollars to build "The Great Wall of Trump" To keep out crooked Hillary's  invading army of drug-crazed-murderer-molester-terrorist-thief-human-trafficking-illegal-alien-zombie-drug-smugglers. Waiting by the thousands and thousands and thousands in the Senorita dessert in Mexicoland.  

The crooked Hillary congress has denied my Royal Command. Why don't they just give up like my Bitch-republicans.

And now I see my subjects in Texas being greedy. You have voted (Mind You: Without My Royal Permission!) to give your teachers a five thousand dollar raise. Public education and affordable healthcare are the harvyingers of socialism. You made me your King to destroy those institutions! 

And now greedy crooked Hillary liberal Texas teachers got a 5000.00 dollar raise. That money should have gone to me to build my wall. What is wrong with you people! 

I have already neutered the Legislature and we have a two branch government. Upon my reelection in 2020. I promise to eliminate the Judiciary and create the Monarchy you so well want. And I plan to be your King for decades to come. 



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