By Teddy Frankenstein

Pitch forks, torches, burning castles, and angry mobs. This never ends well. Ever since the time of my great great great great grandfather. Every few years some demented soul tries to reanimate the dead. Always the result is villagers are terrorized and property destroyed.

In fact, presently we are being terrorized by a homemade Frankenstein's monster lurking in Washington D.C. The lightening-rod kites flying over the White House should have been a dead give away. Like a battery the monster has to be recharged regularly. Its only impulse is to destroy. 

Crush! Kill! Destroy! (And grab a little P***Y on the side.) Trump is the latest monstrous abomination.  Not original but a cheap, short, obese knock off of a monster. With tiny appendages.

My friends and I are split evenly. Half think trump is stitched together from putrid human parts. A ghoulish  artificial creation of horror. The other half think trump is a zombie pig.

They keep referring to the Yale pig brain experiments. Some claim trump has a transplanted zombie pig's brain in a dumpy human body. Either way this will not end well. 



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