Just a reminder.

By Vlad Dracul

Hokay Nogoodniks. Is me again with new evil plan. The new Putin/Trumpsky plan to further secure permanent presidency for comrade Trumpsky.
1.  To further drive people out and up to USA. Our gangs in Honduras and Guatemala have been given more money for raping, robbing, burning and raping. The extra rape is for comrade Trumpsky, he likes rape. Thank You N.R.A. and R.N.C. Would be much harder without your foreign money.(We secretly gave to you.)

2. We are providing more money to bribe Mexican border officials to allow caravan to pass through Mexico.

3. Have stuffed USA Subordinate court, in Washington, with pro permanent presidency judges.
4. Trumpsky declares war on Honduras and Guatemala. " You losers invaded us. Now we are going to invade yous guys!" is what Trumpsky will say.

5. Additional reason for false war. per Trumpsky; " The migrants can not prove they are not making weapons of mass destruction. They can not prove they are not going to use those weapons of mass destruction on USA.

6. Trumpsky declares martial law (permanently.) " We will have elections as soon as it is safe to vote again. ( Tee, Hee, Hee…)


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