The Beauty of the Constitution of the United States of America

By Richard Poor

In this time of anarchy caused by the tyrant in the White House. We must look to our constitution. In spite of the senate's abdication of power to the executive. There is still a chance rule of law can be restored. If we believe in our constitutional rule of law more than the senate believes in their monarch. We can restore the checks and balances of our three separate but equal branches of government.  

I remember a king that used to rule the colonies. His wants and desires out weighed the needs of we the people. His neglect of the needs of the colonies forced the revolutionary war for our independence. Much blood and treasure was sacrificed. It is time for another revolution. However, thanks to our constitution we can use the constitutional rule of law to restore a three branch government. We must vote the king Trump loyalists out of office.

There are too many Benedict Arnolds in the Senate. The Republican party has become the servant of their monarch. King Trump believes in bullets. We are better than him. We believe in ballots. Every one who can, must register to vote and then really go and vote. 

Vote for independence, not the slavery of the Trump monarchy.


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