We never listen when Hitler speaks.

By Tom S Hunter

It is so crazy, a conspiracy nut's dream. How could it ever happen? Why would Hitler violate the agreement with Neville Chamberlain? How could the world not know about the murder of millions of Jews, gypsies, gays, and anyone not worshipping Hitler?  

How could Oswald get around presidential security? At the time, no one ever thought about a shooter from a window. 

How could murderers hijack 4 planes? No one believed it would ever happen. Even after the hijackings to Cuba so many years ago.

How could a president and vice president lie to start a never ending war in the middle east. All the security services knew beyond a doubt, Sadam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction. No one ever thought our leadership would force the security agencies to forge documents to the contrary. All these events had warning signs. 

Hitler's clumsy, poorly written, Mein Kampf. Oswald's crazy communist misadventures. The Phoenix warnings, the flight instructor warnings. Sadam Hussein not using or even showing off weapons of mass destruction. He never could have resisted using them. 

Now comes Trump "Nobody disobeys my orders." He has disparaged our Constitution, our Legislature, our Judiciary, and our national Heroes. He is a lousy liar and he doesn't care who knows it. He has accused the Muller investigation of being a coup against him.

Trump talks like Hitler, moves like Mussolini, has the compassion of Joseph Stalin. He has identified a national scapegoat, everybody not white or not worshipping him. He is the definition of despotic tyranny. 

If we do not enforce constitutional rule of law. Trump could really overthrow the United States. There are one and two star generals and admirals (with shit on their stars) that would gladly support the Trump coup. The NRA, Nazis, KKK, and all the white supremist (COWARDS ALL!) would be his armies. We see all the warning signs. Yet we are letting the horror begin, again. 

It is so crazy, a conspiracy nut's dream. How could it happen. Again.    


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