As the United States moves to the Reich.

By Hoffman Abernathy 

Fuhrer Trump continues his attack on democracy. He has converted the Attorney General's mission from being the seeker of truth and justice, to protector of the Fuhrer. The attorney General's office is now the new and improved Gestapo.

Gestapo chief  Willie "Heinrich Himmler" Barr has been given special authority to create the truth (that protects Fuhrer Trump) as he sees fit. The enemies list is coming along nicely. The Mueller report is about to be declared religious heresy against the republican god King Trump. 

Soon the treasonous dogs, who swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, will be exposed and tried for their sins against Fuhrer Trump. Don't forget. Just like old Germany, we let this happen.  

All the Nazis in Hell could not be prouder of this moment.  


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