Another CRAP-O-GRAM.

By Barff McCavanaugh

Heil Potus!
 As Imperial Wizard of the Caucasian Xenophobic Association, I just thought I would give you a heads up on the supreme court decision about citizenship on the national census. Yes, it is constitutional. Why? A bunch of rich white guys (no women or minorities of any kind) wrote it that way. WHITE MALE hegemony must be restored. And it will please our King. Everybody chant now.....

Donald J Trump the First.
Permanent Sovereign of the USA.
Eternal King of the Americas.
Defender of the faith, 
worshipping him as our god King.
May blessings trickle down on us, from him.
Did you ever think different? The Trump court in Washington, D.C. cannot sin against our Dear Leader. Total capitulation to his monarchy will be upheld. So there!

As president of the secret Brotherhood of Misogynists. I see soon that that un Trumpstitutional R V Wade, will be over turned. In the near future the 19th and 14th amendments will also be over turned.

What are you going to do about it? Vote? 


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