It's time for another CRAP-O-GRAM. Via the wireless.

Got this off the wireless, that's radio for you Yanks.
By Lord HawHaw the Third. 
AKA; William Brooke Joyce Drumph III

"Hello England and America.  Hello England and America.  This is  Paraguay (NOT GERMANY) calling. This is Paraguay (NOT GERMANY,) calling. Lord HawHaw the Third, here.
I am so proud to announce the glorious arrival and triumphant respectful reception in Brittan for the Fuhrer of America, leader of the Fourth Reich, Herr Trump.
The wonderful beating of pots and pans is the highest form of respect England can give to a dictator of Herr Trump's caliber. The masculine parade balloons of Fuhrer Trump are exactly anatomically correct. The likeness is uncanny. They show his true manliness. I know he can do to the world nearly as much as his hero and soul mate Hitler did. 
Yours in fascism. 
Lord Hawhaw III.


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