
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Republican party is looking more like a great pile of cow s**t.

By  Tom S. Hunter They wouldn't let me write the word S**T. With respect to my timid colleagues. Nothing says venereal disease like GONORRHEA. So instead of using profanity to describe the abomination in the White House. I call it Trump. Like the BLOB, Trump absorbs and corrupts everything it envelops. It appears there are now only Trumpublicans left in what was the Republican party. There might be a couple of real Free Range Republicans, like John McCain somewhere out there. The Free Range Republicans and the Democrats are true patriots. The feed lot republicans will never be patriots.  The Trumpublicans are feed lot republicans. You know, cows in a feedlot waiting for slaughter. They stand in their own S**T while feeding on Trump's vitriol. Yum! Yum! Boys and girls.  Real patriots like John McCain and Ted Kennedy put our country and their honor above the demands of that festering pus bag infecting our Whitehouse.    Honest to GOD. I never thought

Worth repeating. Potus and the Nazsty party.

                                           By Hoffman Abernathy                         The jack booted goose stepping Nasty Nazis are ready for round two. Second term for their little dictator. Today Washington, tomorrow the world.  I just know Trump is pounding his shoe on the cabinet table right now. Doing all he can to make the world safe from Democracy. I wonder if Trunpelstiltskin was sent to earth by some malevolent planet. Here to destroy the human race so they can take our planet. Or, maybe Trump is planetary irritable bowel syndrome. If Trump was an evil comic book villain he would be IRON ANUS! Scourge, Nemesis, enemy of all things good, like Truth, Justice and the American way. Hear that sucking sound? That is the sound of republican, no, no its the TRUMPUBLICKAN party being sucked into his mighty anus! Wait a minute. Many of them are diving in voluntarily.  Be careful boys, don't bruise those lips on TRUMPELSTILTSKIN'S mighty anus. Safety firs

Stupid thug in ill fitting suit plays with phone while attending Solemn D day Commemoration.

By Rose I used to say men are pigs. I now stand corrected. Real men are respectful, kind, faithful with strong character. Real men are responsible. They are not self centered. They are never bullies. Real men are not pigs. Pigs in adult male bodies are not men. Creatures like Trump are the most porcine of pigs. He is a dimwitted bully. He does not care about anyone but himself.  He was so bored by the D day ceremony. He started to play with his phone. Like a two year old with his favorite rattle. He has no respect for the office he holds. He isn't even bright enough to pretend to be respectful during any solemn ceremony. Trump will never be a man. He will always be a narcistic misogynistic coward.

It's CRAP-O-GRAM time again. Introducing LARVA INGRAHAM. The Nazi worm.

By Larva Ingraham  HEIL POTUS My interview with our beloved Fuhrer Herr Trump was hypnotic. We were somewhere in France on the sixth of June. Dear leader gave me an extra fifteen minutes of interview time. He was totally ok with making some ceremony waite for him so he could finish talking to me.  " Don't worry babe. They can  wait for me.  It's just some ceremony for a bunch of dead losers." During the interview I could not take my eyes off his manly 56 inch chest and 60 inch waste. I wanted to fondle his three chins. His jowls, fat folds and cankels are the ideal of the alt buff. I wanted to engage his drooling alt sexy mouth. Some stud loaf. Extra buff.  And there were other people there to honor our dear Fuhrer Donald trump. HEIL POTUS ///

The Trump nightmare just keeps on giving.

By Tom S Hunter Trump was fifteen minutes late to the 75th anniversary of the D Day ceremony. A once in a lifetime commemoration of the sacrifice so many gave. If not for those who gave everything. None of us would have the wonderful lives we have today. Had the allies been like Trump. Hitler would have won and Trump would have been the Hitler youth of the year. The Nazi golden boy. This was never about him. D day was about saving the world from dictatorship. D day is about giving thanks to those made of courage and selflessness.      So why was Trump late? Well, he was busy giving an interview to Larva Ingraham, the Nazi worm. To Trump himself and todays Nazis, Trump is more important than a bunch of losers who got captured or killed. Considering he has never had to do anything for himself. There is no way Trump could ever relate to anything involving courage, effort, and selflessness. 

Remembering Giants. Remembering Giants. Remembering Giants.

Since June 6, 1944, time has shrunk them. Little old women. Little old men. Those who made the equipment that won the war against hatred and murder. Those who first hand experiencer the ultimate horror of war. They are few. They are little. They saved freedom. Today. We stand in the shadow of  giants.

It's time for another CRAP-O-GRAM. Via the wireless.

Got this off the wireless, that's radio for you Yanks. By Lord HawHaw the Third.  AKA; William Brooke Joyce Drumph III "Hello England and America.   Hello England and America.   This is  Paraguay (NOT GERMANY) calling. This is Paraguay (NOT GERMANY,) calling. Lord HawHaw the Third, here. I am so proud to announce the glorious arrival and triumphant respectful reception in Brittan for the Fuhrer of America, leader of the Fourth Reich, Herr Trump. The wonderful beating of pots and pans is the highest form of respect England can give to a dictator of Herr Trump's caliber. The masculine parade balloons of Fuhrer Trump are exactly anatomically correct. The likeness is uncanny. They show his true manliness. I know he can do to the world nearly as much as his hero and soul mate Hitler did.  Yours in fascism.  Lord Hawhaw III.

Another CRAP-O-GRAM.

By Barff McCavanaugh Heil Potus!  As Imperial Wizard of the Caucasian Xenophobic Association, I just thought I would give you a heads up on the supreme court decision about citizenship on the national census.  Yes, it is constitutional. Why? A bunch of rich white guys (no women or minorities of any kind) wrote it that way. WHITE MALE hegemony must be restored. And it will please our King. Everybody chant now..... Donald J Trump the First. Permanent Sovereign of the USA. Eternal King of the Americas. Defender of the faith,  worshipping him as our god King. May blessings trickle down on us, from him. Halleluiah! HEIL POTUS!   Amen. Did you ever think different? The Trump court in Washington, D.C. cannot sin against our Dear Leader. Total capitulation to his monarchy will be upheld. So there! As president of the secret Brotherhood of Misogynists. I see soon that that un Trumpstitutional R V Wade, will be over turned. In the near future the 19th and 14th a

As the United States moves to the Reich.

By Hoffman Abernathy  Fuhrer Trump continues his attack on democracy. He has converted the Attorney General's mission from being the seeker of truth and justice, to protector of the Fuhrer. The attorney General's office is now the new and improved Gestapo. Gestapo chief  Willie "Heinrich Himmler" Barr has been given special authority to create the truth (that protects Fuhrer Trump) as he sees fit. The enemies list is coming along nicely. The Mueller report is about to be declared religious heresy against the republican god King Trump.   Soon the treasonous dogs, who swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, will be exposed and tried for their sins against Fuhrer Trump. Don't forget. Just like old Germany, we let this happen.   All the Nazis in Hell could not be prouder of this moment.